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November 2020 – Virtual Maple League Teaching and Learning Centre Events

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

V_MLTLC November Schedule: The Virtual Maple League Teaching and Learning Centre is pleased to share our November programming: 1. Maple League Hosts: Daring to Hope: International Perspectives on the Audacity of Hope in the time of COVID 2. “Welcome to My Online Classroom”: A new series where professors take us on a tour of their virtual classroom and talk about what works (and what doesn’t) in an online platform 3. Mentorship for the 3M National Teaching Fellowship & Student Fellowship: Webinars for interested applicants 4. BIPOC Affinity Group November Meeting 5. Asynchronous Content and On-demand Digital Resources (October) For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Heather Carroll, Director of the V_MLTLC, at or Dr. Jessica Riddell, Maple League Executive Director, at

Maple League Hosts: Daring to Hope On Wednesday, November 18, beginning at 11:00 am Eastern, 12:00 noon Atlantic, join us for the November Maple League Hosts: Daring to Hope: International Perspectives on the Audacity of Hope in the time of COVID.

Join Dr. Claire Hamshire (Manchester Metropolitan University), Dr. Rachel Forsyth (Manchester Metropolitan University), Dr. Paul Taylor (University of Leeds), Dr. Heather Smith (University of Northern British Columbia) and Dr. Jessica Riddell (Bishop’s University). This international panel of educational leaders (from four universities and two continents) will explore what constitutes a resilient and hopeful university and how do we build it? Panelists will explore theoretical and practical implications of social change in the post-secondary landscape and challenge dominant narratives around resilience, authenticity, and hope as a way forward to help others make change in the space where they are. All are welcome. Join by clicking:

Welcome to My Online Classroom This new series on Thursdays this month features the steps and missteps of teaching in the midst of a global pandemic. Professors take us on a tour of their virtual classroom and talk about what works (and what doesn’t) in on online platform from their experience this Fall. Thursday, November 5: “Stop, Drop, and Roll”: Trouble-shooting Hybrid Teaching, hosted by Dr. Lana Radloff (Bishop’s). Join us to learn about the structure of The Ancient World in Film and Televisionand various tech, including what works and what hasn’t been successful (Teams, PollEverywhere, Moodle, Moodle quizzes, hybrid debates, OBS/Ensemble Anthem). The course is hybrid, asynchronous once/week and synchronous the other. Thursday, November 12: Teaching through the Looking Glass: A brief glimpse into teaching about visual processes online, taught by Dr. Jasmeen Sidhu (Bishop’s). Perception is a course about how our senses, mostly vision, and audition, allow us to know and understand the world. A large focus on the visual system is observed across Sensation and Perception courses, as seeing is one of the most complex and well-understood tasks a human being does. How does one teach the complex physiology of sensory systems and its functional manifestations in an online setting? How does one get high engagement levels in a STEM-oriented course, where the material is often technical and specific? How does one foster a sense of community and collaboration in a prerequisite STEM-oriented course? Thursday, November 19: Climate and People, taught by Dr. Corrine Cash (StFX). Dr. Cash’s work focuses on environment, climate change, urban issues, and social equity (including how women are impacted in these settings). She is currently conducting research on how people who live in informal settlements in coastal cities are adapting to the impacts of climate change. Join to hear about teaching this cross listed course between climate and environment and development. Thursday, November 26: “This is fine.”: Finding fun in the fury of managing a large hybrid course in “these challenging times” hosted by Dr. Angela Pratt (Bishop’s). Join to hear about teaching a course about Social Media & Sport in a hybrid format to over 100 students.

3M Faculty & Student Webinars In advance of the early 2021 deadlines for the 3M National Teaching Fellowship and the 3M National Student Fellowship, we invite you to attend webinars to learn about the process and how the Maple League mentoring networks can support your application. Student Fellowship: Friday, November 20 at 11am Eastern, 12:00 Noon Atlantic. Teaching Fellowship: Wednesday, November 25 at 11am Eastern, 12:00 Noon Atlantic. These webinars will provide a chance for applicants to ask questions and meet recipients of the Fellowships from across the Maple League. Webinars can be accessed by clicking: If you are interested in learning more about the Fellowship, please contact

BIPOC Affinity Group November Meeting On Friday, November 13 at 11:00 am Eastern / 12:00 noon Atlantic, Ivan Okello, Diversity Educator and Black Student Advisor at Mount Allison University will facilitate the November meeting of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour Affinity Group.

This meeting is open to all who identify as BIPOC, including students, staff, and faculty. Join by clicking:

Asynchronous Content October 14: Maple League Hosts: Truth, Reconciliation, and Decolonizing Higher Education. Dr. Pamela Toulouse, Full Professor of Education at Laurentian University, and Maple League Student Fellow Lara Hartman (Acadia University) discuss Truth, Reconciliation, and Decolonizing Higher Education. This event also features a Q&A from the audience. October 8: Using RIIPEN in Your Course. Jennifer Lussier, Relationships Manager at RIIPEN, shares the benefits of the RIIPEN platform when integrating experiential learning opportunities in your courses. Watch here:

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